JP Hague

YouTube channels

JP Hague

Welcome to my YouTube Channel. I am a researcher, writer and speaker with an interest in unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the mysteries through a balanced approach and mindset. I am also the Deputy National Director of MUFON, Mauritius, a global non-profit organisation set up in 1969 that investigates UAP through the scientific method. I consider esoterism, spirituality and science to all be the right tools and lenses for a better understanding of the layers of reality that surround and interact with us: worlds within worlds. Ultimately, as was once inscribed above the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi, it is through pursuing the aphorism to “know thyself” that we can understand the greater whole to which we belong. Equally, in a quest for knowledge and wisdom, it is in attempting to “face the light” that we avert our eyes from the ignorance of the shadows.