UPDB is a meta-database of reports & documents regarding unexplained phenomena. Data previously locked away in disparate documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, and long-dead websites can now be viewed together in a unified date & location format. Publius' philosophy is that new insights can be revealed with a higher level analysis of this decades-long body of work.
- UPDB does not contain any exclusive, private, or classified data.
- UPDB does not vouch for the accuracy or truthfulness of any reports.
- The only criterion for a report to be included in UPDB is that it's been listed in a public UAP/UFO database.
- Shift unexplained phenomena research from a descriptive to a comparative investigation.
- Preserve and honor the decades of research and data collection on this topic.
- Create open data and tools for unexplained phenomena research.
- Develop tools and techniques for individuals with ongoing repeated experiences.
- Document any potential crimes against the universal human right of individual sovereignty, for current and future generations.