Triangular UFOs: New Historical Cases and Validated Insights - David Marler

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Triangular UFOs: New Historical Cases and Validated Insights - David Marler

For over 20 years, David Marler has been investigating a particular subset of the UFO phenomenon – triangular UFOs. In his 2013 groundbreaking book, Triangular UFOs – An Estimate of the Situation, he established a working profile of these anomalous aerial objects by highlighting their repeatedly-reported characteristics and flight dynamics. Those conclusions were derived from his vast historical UFO materials and research at the time. Since then, The David Marler Historical UFO Archive Collection has grown by leaps and bounds. Of particular note was the receipt of the world’s largest historical UFO case file collection in November of 2020. This consists of hundreds (if not thousands) of case files from: Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York (CSI-NY), The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), and The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). In addition, it includes the personal Air Force Project Blue Book files of Dr. J. Allen Hynek. In reviewing this vast treasure trove of historical UFO case files dating back to the late 1940s, David noted there were triangular UFO case reports that had never been seen by the general public. When reading these accounts, they served as the best outside validation for what David outlined in his book. Namely, the reported details and characteristics matched what other witnesses had described in reference to these triangular UFOs. However, the vast majority of these accounts date back from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. This presentation will share with the public, for the first time, historical UFO case files and audio recordings relating to triangular UFO reports that pre-date stealth technology and the modern period of UFO reporting. Enjoy this journey back to the early years of the UFO phenomenon where we see that the past was indeed prologue for the future of triangular UFO reports. Presentation from the 2022 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference.