

In spite of of the fact that the international media did not mention since the end of WW2, Italy’s contribution to world ufology was really important from both the qualitative and quantitative points of view. Unfortunately, Italian is not easily understood in today’s English-speaking world. So, beyond this limiting language barrier, Dr. Roberto Pinotti, as the main and most representative Italian ufologist with his Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN) that he established in 1967, took care of presenting in English a vast and detailed selection of 120 years (1900-2020) of the best UFO cases occurred in his country in his two illustrated volumes UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY (volumes one & two). But this was not enough for him. For historical, geographical, cultural and religious reasons and as the center of the ancient world unified first by the Roman Empire and then by the Catholic Church, Rome and Italy inherited the ancient traditions of the Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Hebrew and Christian cultures and their synthesis, and since the Middle Ages defended all this from the Barbarians’ and and others as well, playing a central role in the world’s civilization. In fact, according to the 2019 UNESCO World Heritage Convention, Italy has a total of 55 inscribed properties, making it the state party with the most World Heritage Sites, along with China.

So no wonder if Italy proved to be also a real historical and cultural crossroad also for ufology yesterday and today. From the case of the Egyptian so-called Tulli Papyrus to the “The Book of Prodigies” of the Roman historian Julius Obsequens and the Roman coins showing purported UFOs from Caesar to Pertinax ; from Italian Middle Ages chronicles to the Renaissance, with some of its protagonists involved in the subject with their works and personal witnesses as well; from pre-1947 sightings including the “Fascist UFO Files” indicating Italy as the first country whose government faced the UFO problem to Pinotti’s privileged confidential link since the sixties with Soviet researchers, from A. P. Kazantsev to the 1994 disclosure of the KGB UFO dossier; from the surprising roles of contactees George Hunt Williamson and George Adamski in Italy to the intriguing “Amicizia” mass contact experience story; from Pinotti’s studies about the BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary) UFO-like phenomena to the gradual disclosure-oriented approach of the Vatican since the Fifties, from Catholic theologians and Specola Vaticana astronomers to Roman Pontiffs up to Pope Francis; from US General MacArthur’s unexpected statements in Naples in the Fifties about a possible future war with aliens to the President of the Republic of Italy’s classified 1963 UFO case shared with the Pentagon; from Pinotti’s role in Italian aerospace research and SETI to his surprising academic paper about Indo-Aryan UFO-like Vimanas presented in the International Astronautical Federation Congress in 1988; from CUN’s involvement with France’s GEPAN to Pinotti’s House of Lords talk in 1980; fromProf. Thayaht’s pioneer studies about the UFO “PSI effect” in the fifties to the attempts since the nineties of Italian members of the European Parliament Regge, Musumeci and Borghezio to obtain an EU UFO disclosure; and from CUN’s meeting and co-operation with Luis Elizondo in 2018 to Pinotti’s involvement with the San Marino Government-sponsored CUN UFO WORLD SYMPOSIUM with its 30 editions up to his personal role in the 2018-2019 Chinese UNO UFO initiative and in ICER’s present United Nations disclosure project. All this shows Italy was really a sort of catalyzer for international ufology, and that the title TIMELESS UFO CONTACTS IN ITALY for Pinotti’s book surely fits the situation.