Garry Nolan's 100% - Need to Know

Research news

Garry Nolan's 100% - Need to Know

With Ross on assignment, Bryce has found a worthy fill-in: Chrissy Newton, Founder of VOCAB Communications and Podcaster for The Debrief. A self-described UFO/UAP fanatic since age six, the Toronto native hosts the podcast "Rebelliously Curious with Chrissy Newton." Among the items on the table in this episode: "Confirmation" vs. "Disclosure," an upcoming NASA meeting dedicated to the UAP issue, and the future of of Sean Kirkpatrick's career. He's the guy who runs AARO, All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, who testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee last month that he'd seen no evidence of extra-terrestrial contact in the UAP data so far. This is in stark contrast to what Stanford University professor Garry Nolan said at a conference last week when asked how sure he was that extraterrestrial life was here on Earth now and that crash wreckage and reverse engineering was on-going, he said, a "hundred percent."