Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs: The Unseen Reality

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Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs: The Unseen Reality

In this illuminating episode of Lehto Files, host Chris Lehto (Retired US Air Force pilot) is joined by Dr. Steven Greer, the founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Disclosure Project. As a respected figure in the world of ufology, Dr. Greer breaks down the complexities of government disclosure and the intricate interplay between government and corporate entities in relation to UFO information. Dr. Greer reveals plans for an upcoming federal RICO lawsuit against illegal operations in the US government and the corporate world related to the UFO issue. Greer will present this case to the world during a Disclosure Event on 10-12 June in Washington DC: https://siriusdisclosure.com/ Chris and Dr. Greer dive into the historical context of secrecy and compartmentalization within the government, discussing the pivotal period in the late 1950s when oversight and transparency started to fade. They also scrutinize the NDAA 2023 law, designed to protect whistleblowers but may have fallen short of its aim.