African weather system generating rumors of UFOs and 80-foot waves, blamed on software ?error?

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African weather system generating rumors of UFOs and 80-foot waves, blamed on software ?error?

Alien and conspiracy theorists showed up in full force last week after a weather modeling software “error” showed an anomaly the size of Texas moving up the African coastline while generating waves bigger than 80 feet high.

Ventusky is an application that presents weather and meteorological data to allow people to monitor developments anywhere in the world.

According to the company’s website, the app is available to anyone in the world and has the ability to illustrate movement of particles to show wind data, and more.

Last week, the application showed a cluster of waves reaching over 80 feet in height and spanning a distance wider than the state of Texas, moving up from Antarctica and toward the coast of Africa for about 24 hours before disappearing.

Video of the weather pattern got the rumor mill going, with people claiming it was anything from a massive underwater sea creature to a spaceship under the sea.