Kona Blue Insiders Reveal How U.S. Agencies Allegedly Involved In Legacy UFO Programs Rattled Department of Homeland Security Officials

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Kona Blue Insiders Reveal How U.S. Agencies Allegedly Involved In Legacy UFO Programs Rattled Department of Homeland Security Officials

According to insiders involved in establishing an Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) related Prospective Special Access Program (PSAP) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), DHS staff emerged from meetings with two other U.S. government agencies, rumored to possess advanced non-human materials, ‘convinced that advanced technology was sequestered under government supervision at aerospace contractors’ facilities.’

The book, titled Skinwalkers at the Pentagon details how in 2011 high-level officials at the DHS, Sacha Mover and Jim Bell, ‘began knocking on doors beyond DHS to connect with the “keepers of the secrets” in at least two other agencies.’ 

The account continues:

‘In these meetings, which took place in June-July 2011, Sacha, Jim, and colleagues were treated rudely and harshly.’

‘Bell and Mover were repeatedly told “no, and hell no.”’