Psychology, Ontological Shock & UAP - Dr. Daniel Stubbings

Research news

Psychology, Ontological Shock & UAP - Dr. Daniel Stubbings

Dr Daniel R. Stubbings is a registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Health Care Professionals Council, a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a registered Psychologist with the Australian Healthcare Professionals Regulation Agency and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. In addition to working at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Dr. Stubbings works as a highly specialized psychologist in cancer and palliative care in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg National Health Service. Prior to this Dr Stubbings spent seven years working in secure mental health settings. Research interests include the phenomenon (UFO/UAP’s), existential psychology, psychotherapy, the use of technology in mental health treatment, staff wellbeing and reducing restrictive practice. Dr. Stubbings is also a contributor to the All Wales Allied Health Professional in Cancer Research group.