Senior Military Officer States There Is ?Zero Doubt? Non-Human Intelligence Interacting With Humanity Exists And Warns Of Catastrophic Disclosure

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Senior Military Officer States There Is ?Zero Doubt? Non-Human Intelligence Interacting With Humanity Exists And Warns Of Catastrophic Disclosure

At a prestigious New York City investment event, Colonel Karl Nell, a distinguished retired military chief formerly associated with the U.S. government’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, asserted unequivocally that non-human intelligence exists, is interacting with humanity, and that unelected government bureaucrats are aware of this.

Speaking at the ‘SALT iConnections New York 2024’ event in a conversation with Alex Klokus, Founder and Managing Partner at the SALT Fund, Nell stated:

“So, non-human intelligence exists, non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new, and it's been ongoing, and unelected people in the government are aware of that.”