Project Blue Book: The Alleged 1964 UFO Landing in Harrisonburg, Virginia

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Project Blue Book: The Alleged 1964 UFO Landing in Harrisonburg, Virginia

On December 21, 1964, Horace Burns, a gunsmith from Harrisonburg, Virginia, reported an extraordinary sighting of a UFO. While driving along Route 250 near Staunton, Virginia, Burns witnessed an object he described as being 80 to 90 feet high and 125 feet in diameter. This object, according to Burns, landed about 100 yards from the highway, emitted a fluorescent light, and was shaped like a beehive??.

Burns detailed that as the UFO crossed the road ahead of his vehicle, his car’s engine stalled, and it came to an unnatural stop. The UFO allegedly rested in a meadow for 60 to 90 seconds before taking off again with a sound of rushing air, heading northeast??.

Burns reported the incident to Professor Ernest Gehman from Eastern Mennonite College. Gehman, alongside Burns, visited the landing site. Using a Geiger counter, Gehman detected significant radioactivity in the area where the UFO purportedly landed. This finding was corroborated by two DuPont research engineers, Harry Cook and Mr. Funk, who joined Gehman at the site and witnessed the high radiation levels recorded by the Geiger counter??.