New UFO Political Action Group to Support Pro-UAP Candidates in 2024 Elections

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New UFO Political Action Group to Support Pro-UAP Candidates in 2024 Elections

The Executive Director of a new non-profit Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) political action group, known as the UAP Disclosure Fund, has informed Liberation Times that he would support pro-UAP candidates in upcoming party primaries and the U.S. elections in November 2024 if their positions are threatened.

Yuan Fung of the UAP Disclosure Fund told Liberation Times:

“For members of Congress who are part of the UAP caucus and working on UAP legislation, we will closely monitor their primary and general election races. 

“We’ll identify situations where providing political support could benefit their campaigns. When we determine that our involvement could make a difference, we will inform our supporters about where their actions could be most helpful.”