What do you think about the prospect of finding alien life? UK academics launch global survey on extraterrestrial intelligence

Research news

What do you think about the prospect of finding alien life? UK academics launch global survey on extraterrestrial intelligence

Do you believe that there is life elsewhere in Universe, beyond Earth?

What about extra-terrestrial intelligence? Could it be possible that there exists - or has existed - an advanced civilisation beyond our Solar System?

Do you give any credence to reports of alien craft visiting Earth, or do you favour the more subtle, scientific approach to the search for alien life?

Perhaps you believe there's no-one else out there in the cosmos: it's just us.

Academics at Durham Law School and St Andrews University in the UK are conducting a worldwide, online survey to gather opinions and thoughts on the possibility of humanity making contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

If you have strong opinions either way on the topic of alien life, these researchers want to hear from you.