Political Volatility Brings Uncertainty and Potential for UFO Disclosure

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Political Volatility Brings Uncertainty and Potential for UFO Disclosure

Unlike last year, there is no buzz, no expectations, and no grand announcements on the Democrats' Senate website from Majority Leader Chuck Schumer or his Republican colleague Mike Rounds.

Earlier this month, once again, the most surreal language ever proposed in the history of the United States on the topic of advanced non-human intelligence has emerged.

Its name? The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA).

And like last year’s version, which was eventually gutted, it originates from two of the most respected Senators, representing both political parties.

Outsiders to the UAP topic will likely be shocked by references to 'legacy programs,' which are defined as examining biological evidence of 'deceased non-human intelligence.'

But despite its shock factor - the UAPDA is real.