The UAP Disclosure Act: The proposed Pentagon/AARO re-write of November 2023

Research news

The UAP Disclosure Act: The proposed Pentagon/AARO re-write of November 2023

In the light of recent statements by the former head of the Pentagon "UFO office," Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, asserting that the Pentagon/AARO successfully derailed the Schumer-Rounds Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA) in late 2023, I am releasing here a proposed 33-page line-by-line rewrite of the Senate-passed UAPDA that the Pentagon provided to congressional negotiators during end-stage negotiations in November 2023.

This is the first publication of this document anywhere.

Further down in this article, you'll find Kirkpatrick's answers to questions I addressed to him for this article, such as whether the National Security Advisor or any other higher authority ever tried to subdue his activity in opposition to the UAPDA, and why the proposed Pentagon re-write of the UAPDA would have retained provisions affirming the right of the federal government to take ownership (via the exercise of eminent domain) over "any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that be be controlled by private persons or entities..."