Recent confirmations reveal U.S. government knowledge of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) tagging along with re-entry vehicles during missile tests.
Notable examples include the Atlas 8F missile test on 19 September 1962 and the apparent shootdown of a UAP during the Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear test on 26 October 1962.
These developments add credibility to Lieutenant Bob Jacobs' account of the ‘Big Sur’ incident on 15 September 1964.
During this event, Lieutenant Jacobs filmed a UAP interfering with the deployed Re-entry Vehicle (RV) of an ICBM test.
This was part of the Advanced Ballistic Re-Entry System (ABRES) program, using a specialized image orthicon telescope loaned from Boston University.
Following the incident, Lieutenant Jacobs was shown the footage during his debriefing and instructed by his superior officer to “never speak of it again.”
The footage is reportedly stored in the U.S. National Archives at a classified level.